    Position Controls
New functions
Special features
with Profibus-DP interface
with PROFIdrive interface
with CANopen interface
with encoder
with Closed Loop control

Eurocard format
for 19 inch mountage

Panel mount / 19 inch rack system
with integrated power supply

WSERS – Position control
in compact housing

Overview programming
with PC or SERS Programmer
SERS Programmer 2
Examples programming SERS drives
    home     products     position controls   overview programming with PC or SERS-programmer
    Programming the SERS
with a standard Windows-PC and a free STÖGRA programming software (for RS232-interface) or
with the STÖGRA hand programming device SERS PROGRAMER 2
      Programming features of the SERS:

in standard version 2Kbyte E²Prom are usable for running programs
(corresponds to about 300 lines – with single commands in the lines)
– larger program memory (up to 8Kbyte) optionally available

the positioning parameters (position command value, velocity and acceleration)
may be set any time – e.g. for different values for each new positioning job

8 digital inputs, 1 analogue input and 4 outputs are free programable in all operation modes.
(optionally there is avaialble an extension for additional 8 inputs and 12 outputs)

3 counters and 3 markers are available for operational programs
(e.g. for programming loops)

absolute, relative and endless (positioning always into the same direction) positioning mode
– selectable via a parameter

programming of subroutines (GOSUB – RETURN) possible,
for multiple calls of the same program parts

comments may be written into the program (program is stored into the PC,
but comments are ignored by saving into the SERS – for saving E²Prom-space)

arithmetical functions (+, -, *, /, AND, OR, EXOR, NOT, NEG) with accumulator
and 12 free usable registers – usable for all SERS-parameters

More than 100 different parameters implemented, which can be used for lots of different functions
        position control SERS/WSERS and SERS Programmer 2 – single data sheet (641 KByte)
        stepping motor controls catalogue 2015 – catalogue (1838 KByte)
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